Since the arrival of blacks in Brazil, there was a great
influence of African culture in the way we live in many circumstances. We
highlight the presence african-Brazilian in our language of African origin have
the following words: rum, boy, quindim, eggplant, voodoo, wasp, nap, thong,
samba, gherkin, bass drum, acarajé, carimbó, hominy, etc.. Also noteworthy
names: Jurema, Yuri, Joaquim, Jusefa, etc.. We can not forget the importance
that brought in food: paçoca, feijoada, quindim, tapioca, maize cake, acarajé,
vacapá, bobo, mulatinho beans, palm oil, yams and cassava. Brazil had a strong
influence of African religion, such as Cacumba, Yemanja and Candoblé. The
candoblé for example, is a fetishistic religion (but that was influenced by
Christianity), now common in our country and that originally came from Africa.
Racism and prejudice are rooted in the process of enslavement of African
peoples by Europeans. Slaves were employed in virtually all activities in the
three and a half centuries that lasted slavery in our country. These people
suffered, but brought with characteristics that were not lost over time and
remain today aucumulada diversity in Brazil.
Influence of food on the menu African Brazilian
Many of preparation techniques and ingredients are of indigenous
origin, and adaptations on the part of slaves and Portuguese. These were
adaptations of their dishes by substituting ingredients that were missing with
the local. The feijoada, a typical dish of the country, is an example.
The daily diet in Africa by the sixteenth century included
rice, beans (black-eyed peas), corn, sorghum and couscous. The meat was mostly
abundant hunting antelopes, gazelles, buffalo, birds, hippos and elephants.
Fished little, harpoons, and network arch. They raised
sheep, cattle and goats, but the meat of farm animals was generally intended
for sacrifice and trade, served as the reserve currency. Prepared food, baking,
roasting or baking it and to season the food had appreciation for peppers, but
also sauces used vegetable oils, such as olive oil-for-palm that accompanied
most foods.
The slave was presented to Brazilian genera even before
leaving Africa, receiving a ration of beans, maize, cassava, cassava flour and
fish for the crossing. The basis of the slave power did not vary according to
the function they were exercising, whether they were in-mills, mines or on
sale. This base was manioc flour. She most varied in terms of their work be
urban or rural, and its owner is rich or poor. The supply of slaves in wealthy
properties included hominy, black beans, bacon, dried meat, oranges, bananas,
cassava flour and he could fish and hunt, was poor in flour, oranges and
bananas. In cities, the sale of some foods could improve food slave achieved
through the extra features.
NOME: José e
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