sexta-feira, 30 de novembro de 2012


Racial quotas are the reservation of vacancies in public or private institutions for specific groups classified by ethnicity, most of the time, blacks and Indians. Emerged in the United States in the 1960s, racial quotas are considered, by original concept, a form of affirmative action, something to reverse historical racism against certain ethnic classes. Although many consider quotas as a system of social inclusion, there is controversy as to its constitutionality and consequences in many countries. [1] The validity of such reserves for black students in Brazil was passed by the Supreme Court in 2012.
Overcoming socioeconomic inequalities imposed as one of the goals of any society that aspires to greater social equality. In relation to social problems, some alternatives are proposed for mitigation of inequalities that keep people in disparate conditions of different strata. One alternative proposed is the quota system that aims to accelerate the process of social inclusion of groups on the margins of society.
The concept of contribution of vacancies apply, usually for a specified time. These populations may be ethnic or racial groups, social classes, immigrants, african descent, disabled, women, the elderly, among others.
The rationale for the quota system is that certain specific groups, because of some disparaging historical process, would have more difficulty to seize the opportunities that arise in the labor market and would suffer discrimination in their interactions with society. The law established the constitutional reservation of vacancies for disabled people, which began to be adopted in various tenders, with the caveat that employment or position does not require full physical. This marks the beginning of quotas for specific groups in Brazil. Over time, other social groups come to claim the contribution of vacancies to "guarantee" a minimum participation in certain sectors of society such as public universities. The law established the constitutional reservation of vacancies for disabled people, which began to be adopted in various tenders, with the caveat that employment or position does not require full physical. This marks the beginning of quotas for specific groups in Brazil. Over time, other social groups come to claim the contribution of vacancies to "guarantee" a minimum participation in certain sectors of society such as public universities.

NOME:  Dimas e  Gustavo.
TURMA:   302

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