sexta-feira, 30 de novembro de 2012

RACIAL QUOTA SYSTEM IN BRAZIL Racial quotas are the reservation of vacancies in public or private institutions for specific groups classified by ethnicity, most of the time, blacks and Indians. Emerged in the United States in the 1960s, racial quotas are considered, by original concept, a form of affirmative action, something to reverse historical racism against certain ethnic classes. Although many consider quotas as a system of social inclusion, there is controversy as to its constitutionality and consequences in many countries. [1] The validity of such reserves for black students in Brazil was passed by the Supreme Court in 2012. Concept Overcoming socioeconomic inequalities imposed as one of the goals of any society that aspires to greater social equality. In relation to social problems, some alternatives are proposed for mitigation of inequalities that keep people in disparate conditions of different strata. One alternative proposed is the quota system that aims to accelerate the process of social inclusion of groups on the margins of society. The concept of contribution of vacancies apply, usually for a specified time. These populations may be ethnic or racial groups, social classes, immigrants, african descent, disabled, women, the elderly, among others. The rationale for the quota system is that certain specific groups, because of some disparaging historical process, would have more difficulty to seize the opportunities that arise in the labor market and would suffer discrimination in their interactions with society. The law established the constitutional reservation of vacancies for disabled people, which began to be adopted in various tenders, with the caveat that employment or position does not require full physical. This marks the beginning of quotas for specific groups in Brazil. Over time, other social groups come to claim the contribution of vacancies to "guarantee" a minimum participation in certain sectors of society such as public universities. The law established the constitutional reservation of vacancies for disabled people, which began to be adopted in various tenders, with the caveat that employment or position does not require full physical. This marks the beginning of quotas for specific groups in Brazil. Over time, other social groups come to claim the contribution of vacancies to "guarantee" a minimum participation in certain sectors of society such as public universities.

Influência da Cultura Africana no folclore brasileiro
   A cultura brasileira é uma síntese da influência dos vários povos e etnias que formaram o povo brasileiro. Não existe uma cultura brasileira perfeitamente homogênea, e sim um mosaico de diferentes vertentes culturais que formam, juntas, a cultura do Brasil. Naturalmente, após mais de três séculos de colonização portuguesa, a cultura do Brasil é, majoritariamente, de raiz lusitana. É justamente essa herança cultural lusa que compõe a unidade do Brasil: apesar do povo brasileiro ser um mosaico étnico, todos falam a mesma língua (o português) e, quase todos, são cristãos, com largo predomínio de católicos. Esta igualdade linguística e religiosa é um fato raro para um país de grande tamanho como o Brasil, especialmente em comparação com os países do Velho Mundo. Embora seja um país de colonização portuguesa, outros grupos étnicos deixaram influências profundas na cultura nacional, destacando-se os povos indígenas, os africanos, os italianos e os alemães. As influências indígenas e africanas deixaram marcas no âmbito da música, da culinária, do folclore, do artesanato, dos caracteres emocionais e das festas populares do Brasil, assim como centenas de empréstimos à língua portuguesa. É evidente que algumas regiões receberam maior contribuição desses povos: os estados do Norte têm forte influência das culturas indígenas, enquanto algumas regiões do Nordeste têm uma cultura bastante africanizada, sendo que, em outras, principalmente no sertão, há uma intensa e antiga mescla de caracteres lusitanos e indígenas, com menor participação africana. No Sul do país as influências de imigrantes italianos e alemães são evidentes, seja na língua, culinária, música e outros aspectos. Outras etnias, como os árabes, espanhóis, poloneses e japoneses contribuíram também para a cultura do Brasil, porém, de forma mais limitada.

Brazilian culture is a synthesis of the influence of the various peoples and ethnicities that formed the Brazilian people. There is a Brazilian culture perfectly homogeneous, but rather a mosaic of different cultural strands that form together the culture of Brazil. Naturally, after more than three centuries of Portuguese colonization, culture of Brazil is mostly from root lusitana. It is precisely this cultural heritage lusa that compose the unit of Brazil: Brazilian people despite being an ethnic mosaic, all speak the same language (Portuguese) and almost all are Christians, with wide predominance of Catholics. This linguistic and religious equality is a rarity for a country of great size like Brazil, especially in comparison with the countries of the Old World. Although it is a country of Portuguese colonization, other ethnic groups have left profound influence on the national culture, especially indigenous peoples, Africans, Italians and Germans. The Indian and African influences have left their mark in the music, cuisine, folklore, crafts, emotional characters and popular festivals of Brazil, as well as hundreds of loans to the Portuguese language. It is evident that some regions received higher contribution of these peoples: the northern states have a strong influence of indigenous cultures, while some parts of the Northeast have a very Africanized culture, and, in others, especially in the interior, there is an intense mix of old and lusitanos characters and indigenous African participation with less. In the south of the country influences of Italian and German immigrants are evident, whether in language, cuisine, music and other aspects. Other ethnic groups, such as Arabs, Spaniards, Poles and Japanese have also contributed to the culture of Brazil, however, more limited.

   Ela é uma linda sereia que vive no rio Amazonas, sua pele é morena, possui cabelos longos, negros e olhos castanhos.
A Iara costuma tomar banho nos rios e cantar uma melodia irresistível, desta forma os homens que a veem não conseguem resistir aos seus desejos e pulam dentro do rio. Ela tem o poder de cegar quem a admira e levar para o fundo do rio qualquer homem com o qual ela desejar se casar. Os índios acreditam tanto no poder da Iara que evitam passar perto dos lagos ao entardecer
   She is a beautiful mermaid who lives in the Amazon River, his skin is dark, has long hair, and dark brown eyes.
The Iara usually bathe in rivers and irresistible sing a melody, so they see that the men can not resist their desires and jump into the river. She has the power to blind those who admire and take to the river bottom any man with whom she wants to marry.
The Indians believe in the power of both Iara who avoid going near the lake at dusk

   O curupira é um ser fantástico, que segundo a crença popular, habita em florestas, sua função é a de proteger as plantas e os animais, além de punir quem os agredir.
O curupira é descrito como um menino de estatura baixa, cabelos cor de fogo e pés com calcanhares para frente que confundem os caçadores.
Além disso, dizem que o curupira gosta de sentar nas sombras das mangueiras e se deliciar com os frutos, mas se ele sentir que está sendo vigiado ou ameaçado, logo começa a correr a uma velocidade tão grande que os olhos humanos não conseguem acompanhar.


   The curupira is a fantastic being, which according to popular belief, inhabits forests, its function is to protect plants and animals, and punish those who harm.
The curupira is described as a boy with short stature, hair the color of fire and feet with heels forward that confuse hunters.
Moreover, say the curupira likes to sit in the shadows of the hoses and relish in the fruits, but if he feels he is being watched or threatened, soon begins to run at a speed so great that human eyes can not keep up.

Saci perere
   O saci possui apenas uma perna, usa um gorro vermelho e sempre está com um cachimbo na boca.
Inicialmente, o saci era retratado como um curumim endiabrado, com duas pernas, cor morena, além de possuir um rabo típico.
A principal característica do saci é a travessura, ele é muito brincalhão, diverte-se com os animais e com as pessoas. Por ser  muito moleque ele acaba causando transtornos. Segundo a lenda, o Saci está nos redemoinhos de vento e pode ser capturado jogando uma peneira sobre os redemoinhos.
Saci Perere

   The Saci has only one leg, wears a red cap and always with a pipe in his mouth.Initially, the Saci was portrayed as a mischievous curumim, with two legs, tan, besides having a tail typical.

The main feature of Saci is the trick, he is very playful, fun with animals and with people. Because it is very kid he ends up causing disorders
According to legend, the Saci is in whirlwinds and can be caught playing a sieve over the swirls.

A lenda do boitatá foi criada pelo padre José de Anchieta, na qual descreveu o boitatá como uma gigantesca cobra de fogo ondulada, com olhos que parecem dois faróis, couro transparente, que cintila nas noites em que aparece deslizando nas campinas e na beira dos rios. Diz a lenda também que o boitatá pode se transformar em uma tora em brasa, para assim queimar e punir quem coloca fogo nas matas.
The legend of boitatá was created by Father José de Anchieta, in which he described the boitatá like a giant snake of fire wavy, with eyes that look like two headlights, leather transparent, glistening on nights when sliding appears in the plains and on the river banks . Legend has it that the boitatá can also turn into a log on fire to burn well and punish those who put fire in the woods.

Componentes- Marcelo e Jaqueline      
Turma- 302   3ºAno

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